
Be aware of the dangers of screenscraping

EFT Verification >>

Some verification services rely on what's called screenscraping in order to try verify bank details. There are some serious potential dangers of screenscraping bank details that can put your suppliers and customers financial information at risk. Here we break it down for you and explain why being aware of this issue is crucial in today's digital age.

Screenscraping is a method used by some third-party apps and services to access your bank account information by collecting data directly from your online banking interface. Sounds convenient, right? Well, not so fast. While it may seem harmless at first glance, screenscraping actually raises significant security concerns. As we continue to rely more on technology for our everyday tasks, understanding the risks associated with sharing our sensitive financial data is essential for protecting ourselves from potential threats.

Now, you might be wondering why exactly screenscraping poses such a danger to your bank details. First off, when you give a third-party app access to your banking credentials through screenscraping, you're essentially handing over the keys to your financial kingdom. This means that if the app or service isn't properly secured or falls into the wrong hands, your personal information could be compromised in ways you never even imagined. Dealing with identity theft or unauthorized transactions is no walk in the park.

Would you feel comfortable having your personal bank detailed "screenscraped" through a third party website?

Before engaging an EFT Verification service provider, ask the question, does this service involve using a third party service that uses screenscreenscraping? The person you are dealing with might not even know themselves, ask the follow up questions:

- Is a third party website relied upon for logging in and checking bank details?

- How does that third party website do that?

In addition to the immediate security risks posed by screenscraping, there are also broader implications for the overall integrity of our financial systems. When individuals freely grant access to their bank details through this method, they inadvertently contribute to weakening the safeguards put in place by financial institutions to protect customer data. This not only puts individual consumers at risk but also undermines the stability and trustworthiness of the entire banking ecosystem.

By staying informed and making cautious choices about how we share our financial information online, we can help minimize these risks and keep our money where it belongs � safe and sound in our own hands!

Setup your organisation with an EFT Verification service that doesn't use screenscraping